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Rainwater is Safe Water

Rain water is perfectly safe to consume. The only contamination happens as it falls on our roofs, collecting with it different contaminants. With our first flush diverter, often called a roof washer, you can preserve the safety of your rain water.

Rain Water: Text

We Can Stop Flooding

Increased flooding threatens our city's safety and destroys our infrastructure. 
Yet this can be easily prevented, if we all harvested some rain water. The more we harvest rainwater, the less runoff there will be, thus reducing the chance of flash floods after heavy rains.

Rain Water: About

Current Issues with Rainwater

Currently, rain water in Rwanda has a bad reputation. This is mainly due to how rain water harvesting is currently done. Without proper installation, everything from the roof (including dust, bird poop, smog from cars) collects in the rain water tank. This leads to: 

  • bacteria contamination of the water.

  • black-ish color to the water

  • water that smells bad even after boiling

Rain Water: Text


Known as a roof washer, it flushes your roof by diverting the first flow of dirty rainwater away from your tank. This keeps away the most contaminated water while your tank collects the higher quality rainwater. For Only RWF 96,000 you can get one.

First Flush Diverter.png
Rain Water: About

Add A Full House Filter for Maximum Safety

Complete the filter selection form and we will help you choose the most appropriate for your family. 

Rain Water: Text
Rain Water: Product Slider

Safety, Comfortable and Impact

With the full Amazi System:

  • your family enjoys clean safe water throughout the house. 

  • Your rain season water bill reduces (RAINWATER IS FREE WATER)

  • You participate in protecting our environment. 

Rain Water: Image


we conducted a pilot to see what our system would achieve for our users. Here is what happened and what you can expect.

Save Money

ALL HOUSEHOLDS reduced their water bill by 58% One family went from RWF 25,000 to Just RWF 6,000!

Trust Every Tap

Savings: 100% of all households were buying their drinking water, after our system 63% had switched to drinking from their taps.

Safe and Clean for Drinking

Before no one trusted drinking rainwater, this number increased to 87% drinking directly from their taps. 

Cooking Made Easy

Only 33% of households trusted their water for cooking, this increased to 100% after the installation of our system.

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